I beleive art is healing.when I draw I relax. I'm happy when a doodle is finished.Then I start a new one.no frustrations.this active relax recently is my main summer "spare-time"activity.Just pencils and paper.Taken everywhere.

duminică, 27 mai 2012

Showcase #15 at doodlersanonymus...

...this time bookmark doodles!
It says that :
"At Doodlers Anonymous we love books. We love the texture, ink, and creases of the printed word — the tactile deliciousness of thumbing, highlighting and devouring pages. We love books that weigh heavy in our hands.

This drawing challenge is a tribute to traditional paper books and the act of reading. The two winners of this challenge (yes, there will be two!) will have their artwork fashioned into DA bookmarks. We challenge you to doodle the front-side of a bookmark, and we'll use the back to promote and credit you."

 I didn't submitted mine yet because i'm not too contented with my doodle,it is not enough colorful  i may give it another try still i show it to you it's been long time since i posted and i got bored seeing the same page.
Unluckily my scanner does not pick up the colors well...not bothering with that much as not many chances to win at least it is a push to do some doodles...and that's good!
If you would give it a go hurry up and submit your bookmark art till 31st May and could be one of the winners!
This came out of the lines:

it' raining..........and will rain the whole week.........ildi

7 comentarii:

  1. Brilliant! I love how you make drawings by just using a doodled line. Good luck in the competition.

    1. if those line weren't i think i would stare too much at the blank pages till i would loose interest.i just hang on the chaotic line... thank you so much for taking the time! i love your comment!

  2. cit de inventiv si haios... imi placeeeeeee!!!!

    1. iti multumesc Fifi !
      ma bucura f mult comentariul tau ;)

  3. I have downloaded it today! You did a great job! I always like seeing what comes out of your doodles!! :)

  4. aseara am avut vreme sa si citesc ce ai scris ;)))) si hop si eu... am facut si eu un semn de carte ;)

    multumesc ptr postare...imi plac provocarile ;)

    oricum semnul tau de carte mi se pare minunat si iti doresc succes!!!!!!!

  5. Hi Ildi! Not colorful enough!? I think it is VERY colorful! Scanner problems here too, I always have to use digital enhancement to make the images look on the screen like they look to my eye. Love the behaviour of the cat, clinging to the leg deperately.
