I beleive art is healing.when I draw I relax. I'm happy when a doodle is finished.Then I start a new one.no frustrations.this active relax recently is my main summer "spare-time"activity.Just pencils and paper.Taken everywhere.

duminică, 23 septembrie 2012

this summer is resuming at...

just a few doodle :).though my pencils and paper were mostly at hand still i was trapped by nature ;)
and yes we had a superb summer.i hope you'd the same!a couple of days before we came home i made a few inches (i hope i can find them somewhere) and this two doodles.i just followed my bliss :) and that's what came out:

see you next time with a few inches :)

2 comentarii:

  1. cit imi place stilul tau...si e foarte frumos bannerul blogului !
    spor la doodalit ;)

  2. merci Fifi! ma bucur ca iti plac buruienile colorate din mintea mea care incearca sa se elibereze.hehe...citeodata ma surprind si pe mine ;)cit de aglomerata este...
    bannerul este primul desen din postare rasturnat si prelucrat un pic cu Picassa, efect "cartoon",mi-a placut ca a inmuiat culorile si le-a facut cumva semi-transparenta.iti multumesc pt aprecieri iti doresc dudaleala placuta si tie!!!
