I beleive art is healing.when I draw I relax. I'm happy when a doodle is finished.Then I start a new one.no frustrations.this active relax recently is my main summer "spare-time"activity.Just pencils and paper.Taken everywhere.

duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

some doodles

i find "hard" to leave behind the post about the "challenge" ...lol...see how greed i am..i loved all your comments!i never had so many,i felt like a servant of my caprices ,sailing along many other alike souls at the constant  rythm of zentangles."hitting the shore" was a celebration though lol !thanks again !

now back to my yard,i have my pocket filled with some doodles i want to share with you...

this one called "harvesting- 2011" started as a zentangle then change direction helped by my husband whom i asked to make some copies of the odd bulb plants i liked.as the first copy came out much bigger (size A4 standard letter) i couldn't rezist not putting those little bug like people...stubborn pencil!
but still got a few copies that are waiting for a "dressing" up...
like this one...the second attempt lol...still in progress...whats funny is that i start so confidently right in with my pen than i withdraw my horns like a touched snail and begin to sketch the doodle lol...it si not the first time..i think at this point i should make another copy..just kidding. at 12:54!Gosh,time flyes with my googled english! lucky you!

ok.i leave you with this little monster...he will knock you off with his needs--hunger,thirst,afraids,
pick me up's etc...
see yu next time with a zentangle?

6 comentarii:

  1. love these little drawings with the people!!

  2. Adding the little people was a great idea. I love the strength and colour of the bulb plants.

  3. I, too, believe in the healing power of art. I think that art and play and creative activities in general are forced out of our adult selves by our perceived "Needs" (earning a living, not looking silly in public) and that a lot of us would, can and do benefit by giving ourselves permission to engage in an activity simply because it makes us happy. I love your fun zuccini-type plants and the people playing between them. What a great start to a New Year!

  4. thank you Judy,Linda and stART!
    have a fruitful,healthy,creative New Year!

    stArt -night drawing "sessions" lol accompanied by feedback (even critics) is more exciting!love it!

    thank you all for making my day!

  5. i'm glad to hear that ! i love your creations as well !!! thanks!
